Friday, June 3, 2011

The Quantum Now

I have noticed a social trend centered on being present or living in the now. It has come to the forefront of social consciousness once again, as it has in the past, due to vast changes in our world and world view. One of the largest influences on this, in my opinion, is the internet. I have not found much literature that made any sense in trying to explain this reoccurring phenomenon and became fascinated in the resurfacing of Now living as I’ll call it here. I believe I have a useful explanation of how it works and how it can be used.

The internet is not bad. Let me get that out there right away. Granted there are many bad things that have come from it but the idea itself is incredible and the fact that it works so well is astounding. Let’s take a look at what the internet did to our collective psyche and how we may utilize this new paradigm to our advantage.

Now living or being in the present moment, never really disappeared from society but it seems to be everywhere you look at the moment. Whenever it popped to the forefront in history, it played a key role in suppressing possible mass hysteria under the strain of large social change. Here are a few examples of what I mean.

“Waste not fresh tears over old griefs”. These words from Euripides perfectly describe living in the moment. He wrote them during the fall of the Roman monarchy and a turn to the republic.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” Buddha. He was all about living in the moment and lived about the same time as Euripides.

“The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.” Lincoln wrote those words at one of the most turbulent times in our nation’s history.

Most would not consider the present day to rival any of the preceding branches of history. They would be wrong. The internet has done more to our consciousness than any single event in history. It did not cause the fall of a regime or anything so detrimental. Instead, it changed our view of the world in such a way that we will never be the same. It shrunk our planet to a singularity.

In physics, a singularity is how the universe was described before the Big Bang. Everything was in the same place and was aware of everything else. Doesn’t that sound like the way we are today?

Flip on your computer and you see international news of places you never heard of and in as much detail as you want or don’t want. You define your view of the world by what you search for on the internet. Thanks to instant translation add-ons, you can chat with people in other countries that don’t speak the same language. If that’s not overwhelming then I don’t know what is.

Look at it this way. Each of us, thanks to the internet, has been given the right to rule and define the universe however, we want. This is something we always could do and have done since we were born anyway but now there are no alternatives. Everything is right there. Our basic choices have been reversed. Where previously we had to search for information, we are now bombarded with info in such quantities that we have to ignore most of the world. So what exactly did this do to our minds? I’ll tell you.

Our senses perceive far more than we can cognify. Which means we need to lessen what we see around us to an edible mental chunk. We do this with a thing called focus. It is how two people at the same event can have different definitions of what happened. That is how we react to things we can see around us. What the internet did was allow our mind to think it can see the entire world if it so chooses. Therefore, we are left with a newer devastating view of our existence because even if we could pay attention to the entire internet we could never contemplate it enough to take it all in. And the internet basically defines our current existence.
On to what Now actually is. What to do about it comes later.

Quantum mechanics deals with the probabilities that a certain thing will be in a certain area at a certain time. None of these certainties can be narrowed down to anything more than a probability so it’s technically a guess. Now this is an explanation of the smallest components of the universe. The entire universe. So that means we have no idea how anything works beyond an educated guess or probability. Quantum mechanics is a prime example of Now living. A moment is decided upon and what is happening can’t be perfectly defined. A physicist knows this going in and doesn’t expect anything more but spends his entire career trying to find out.

The same principle applies to Now living in that we know we can’t control everything or in fact anything but should just deal with a set of probabilities. We can’t get ahead or behind the present moment so to mentally reside there makes no sense. With the singularity of the universe brought on by the internet, Now living is needed more than ever if we expect to not lose our mind.

Chronic Happiness

A state that we should all strive for is chronic happiness. The only problem is that we are genetically wired to go against the main principle of the condition I refer to as chronic happiness. In most everyday situations, we work harder to avoid pain than to gain happiness. And therein lays the problem. Happiness in any degree is not something you strive for at all. It is at its base, a passive situation. The best road to this state of chronic happiness is the passive state of gratitude.

I will now delve further in to the heart of the Nature of 3©. One of the aspects of Nature of 3© basics is the simple concept of the quantum now. I refer to it as the quantum now because it resonates further than a single moment. It’s observed “now” of time remains at a set limit of no longer than the actual moment of time it occurs. The quantum moment outlasts the incedental moment because the quantum moment has no beginning-middle-end trinity as with other perceived occurrences.

Time itself consists of three pieces. All moments fall within them and this is easy to to see. How this relates to chronic happiness will become apparent once this basic principle is understood. The three parts are pre-conditional, post-conditional and the moment of choice. Or simply put; past, present and future. This is separate from the quantum moment, as they requires action and the quantum moment does not. The quantum moment is, as mentioned, passive. All things you experience fall into these three parts of time and define one of the basic principles of the Nature of 3©.

I have found, and will cover in detail elsewhere, that our lives can be explained and bettered by seeing such groups of three that govern our actions and inactions.

How this relates to chronic happiness is quite simple. It comes down to one thing that has a definite quantum nature as well. It is that of gratitude. Gratitude if done properly is not done at all. It is passive. It should have no direction or guidance. What I mean by this is you should not search for things to be grateful for, they are searching for you.

If you live in the passive quantum moment, gratitude will come much easier. The way to define living in the quantum moment is to define the three components of gratitude.

The first part is right there. Gratitude. Gratitude consists of itself because it transcends duality, or it goes beyond having a simple opposite. The opposite of gratitude is regret, which is the second part. Take any given situation from your past and you can be grateful for it or regret it. Regret is more of a past tense occurrence of the mind as it is difficult to regret things that have not happened or not happened yet. The third part is the present moment. To be grateful at the present moment is the hardest, and yet the easiest, part of the three. It requires no work due to its passive nature.

You can be grateful for things in the past, present and future. What makes gratitude a quantum notion is its ability to exist in any part of time from the same reference point? It only works if done passively. It is like a submarine’s sonar system. Don’t “ping” your environment. Just sit quietly and let the world come to you. If this principle didn’t work, there would be no such thing as passive sonar, which is technically the hardest to slip past by other targets.

This is the way to chronic happiness. Have nothing be the object of your gratitude. Be grateful at the beginning and end of each day for nothing more than the day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Nobody will tell you this but the key to everything in life comes down to one thing. It is not one thing but a variant depending on how willing you are to be honest with yourself and others. That’s it. Honesty and nothing else.

Look at success or your personal definition of it. Now imagine that you are the only person on earth and more importantly the only person that will ever be on earth. No future generations or descendants. This is a seemingly self centered example but if you are not the center of your universe then who is? Really feel it. Like the movie, Castaway but there is nobody else left to have a package delivered. Now imagine what your day might entail. What are your interests and opinions? What are your goals if any? And most people will tell you if you try to impose this example as anything more than an example that you are in fact not the center of the universe. They are right but for the wrong reason. This is an example of perspective.

Being the only person on earth may seem to have little to do with honesty but it in fact defines it. If you were the only person on earth what would be the point of telling a lie. You generally only lie to yourself to benefit yourself by way of other people. If you are the only person on earth and you lie to yourself about how much food you have then you will soon be in trouble. So why lie to yourself or others when there are people around?

What a lie does is reduce your value to others, which is usually the opposite of what you were trying to do in the first place. All lies are lies. Being polite to the person with a zit on their face by not mentioning it is one thing if they ask you if you can see it say yes I can see it from outside. You don’t need to draw a circle around it with a magic marker so they can find it, trust me on this one, but tell them. If they cared, enough to ask then care enough to answer. Do not, however, point out zits to people that don’t ask.

That was a simple example how you as a commodity rise and fall with the stock market of your personal interactions. It is like underwear. A pair of Hanes size five underwear with Tinkerbelle on the back are worth about two dollars at Wal-Mart. The same pair if worn for a day by Angelina Jolie and not washed can fetch a few grand on E-Bay. You need to be Angelina’s underwear. Some people have hundreds of friends on face book but value few of them. It is better to have a few that will tell you that you have a zit on your face than five hundred that will let you walk around with a pocket of puss on your chin that you should only burst in the front yard to save the carpet.

That is the key to everything you need to know. Be honest. It is the deciding factor in raising or lowering the value of yourself to yourself and others.

Occultation of the Soul

A Brief Primer to the Natureof3

Three is the basis for all things spiritual, all things natural and all things of the mind. Three points define a plane. Freud has his three ego id and self. Religion has the trinity and physics is hung up on connecting quantum theory with Relativity by some all encompassing new discovery that is within and contains the other two making a trinity of yet another sort. This is not the answer to everything but it does a lot to free the mind by encompassing already familiar terms and limits set up by previous systems some dating back five thousand years. I call it the Natureof3.

A few obstacles of the mind must be knocked down as we go. The first is the unconscious shackles locked onto our minds and bodies. Everywhere you turn, it seems someone is expounding the powers of the unlimited nature of our minds. But what does that mean anyway? Not going in to that right now. Just need to point out that this is a classic case of getting ahead of yourself. Few recognize what comes before seeing the limitlessness of the mind, reason being we are bound to a limited body. One that ages, breaks down then dies. We tend to connect our mind to that fragile shell because it’s extremely hard not to do so. Consider this—when the body dies the consciousness within ceases to be as far as we can tell. Sadly, until that moment comes we fail to see that they never were connected in the first place.

Consciousness does not die. It is an aspect of reality that cannot be explained but can be described.

When uranium breaks down it does so whenever it feels like it. Meaning we as brilliant human beings can’t predict what atom will do what and when it will do it. The reason for this is that the atoms choose to do something then do it. The act of choosing is an act of consciousness. This aspect of reality is always present and no different from our understanding of our own consciousness at a basic level. Therefore, I argue that consciousness does not die when the body dies it is merely there when it happens.

That is the first aspect of the naturof3. There is an all encompassing force that runs within and throughout us in our everyday experience.

The next part is our inner consciousness. This is similar to what Freud called the self but slightly different. This is the decision maker of the three. It looks out for its own interests but has to keep in mind the overall wellbeing of the whole. This part changes over time. It grows as we do and sometimes grows more than we want. The shape of our bodies reflect this. If you have a spare tire or a wide rear, you may have an overweight mind. This is why diets don’t work. They tend to address the body part from the outside and not take into consideration the overweight slob running the show behind the scenes.

The third part of the natureof3 is a secondary consciousness that controls our ability to shape the world around us. This part holds our values, beliefs and desires. It feeds our consciousness. The whole ensemble can be likened to a vast digestive system. The conscious mind being the muscles the secondary consciousness being the stomach and the all encompassing part similar to the mouth skin and lungs. It gathers and connects us with the rest of the world.

The occultation of the soul is the blind spot in our minds where we lose sight of what we started out as when we were children. Sounds odd I suppose but it seems to work like this. We have a core being that never changes. What does change is the things we add take away or ignore. A strange way to look at it is like this. Take a moment and think how different your life would be if you were the only person on earth and were the only person that had ever been on earth? Would that change your desires? Would it change what you eat? What you wear? If you don’t think it would then you didn’t think hard enough.

Try it again as a meditation when you wake up tomorrow instead of worrying about whether you’re going to be late or if the coffee’s ready yet. There’s no such thing as anything but you.

It may sound selfish but you can’t care for anyone else until you can get out of your own way. That’s a hard lesson I spent many many years learning.

Bring the Noise

Bigger, better, louder, faster, harder, more absorbent, fat free, no added colors or preservatives…
This is what we see on the outside but where did it come from? What is the purpose of these attributes? Would it make much difference if none of these things came to be or if they evolved in another direction?

Example: the last thought through a deer’s mind as it flies through the air after being bounced off the grill of a gas guzzling SUV is probably not that of how shiny the rims are or what nice leather seat covers it has not even the expensive custom paint job on this theoretical death bus. Doesn’t matter in the end. Still would not have mattered if the deer made it across the road, to the deer that is.

Point: anything other than the absolute basic is not necessary for life. This does not suggest give up all possessions and live as a monk in a cave somewhere. I just mean to point out the principle behind this advancement of perception.

This is easy to see anywhere. Almost everything around us today is unnecessary for we as a race to live procreate and die. Of course, this negates our possible intended purpose but that is for another day. I would just like to explain how this view of the world, turned towards the inner self, explains the presence of a lot of avoidable health and social problems.

Look at it like a simple machine. Put stuff in and get stuff out. Fuel-energy-work-action. This is very easy to see in action as it happens right in front of you but the same principle is what drives you to do things. Your mind works in the same manner. This is difficult to visualize because the mind can’t be seen only visualized but the work it does can be seen very easily.

Thoughts seem to be a separate and single entity. But they are subcategorized into many systems that perform different functions. To think: that is a tree is a thought. It defines. If I don’t slow down I’m going to hit that tree identifies a situation that hasn’t happened. I don’t like trees is another type that means something else.

If you assign exterior nomenclature to types of thoughts, it’s scary to see what you do with your mind every day. The label on a can of soup may say that half of the RDA for sodium and a third of the carbs are in that can of soup. You can look at that and know what’s wrong with your blood pressure if you eat five cans of that stuff every day. Your body needs sodium. Your body does not need too much sodium. You cut back on the soup and maybe sprinkle a bit less salt on things that don’t need it anyway and you blood pressure drops a bit. You can see that happen in the real world. Now apply that to the mind and thoughts running in there.

It is absurd to say someone is judgmental as an example. The statement itself is a judgment. Judgment is necessary to get out of bed and not fall on the floor which is good. Judging the person next to you when you get up as a lazy slob is not so good. You can have a low sodium diet or watch your calories and think nothing of it.

However, there’s no easy way to respond if at your next appointment the doctor said you need to cut down on thoughts of how much you don’t like your job to four times a day. You just hit that number and say well that’s enough for today. Sounds silly when you look at it like that. It’s what we do all the time. It’s why we have poor health and a weird economy.

Bigger, better, louder, faster…
We have gotten so wrapped up in the outside that we often forgo the inside. And most of it is from the population outpacing the straight evolution of thought.

Long ago, people were close groups. Hunter gatherer. No need for more. Population grew and the downfall started when we needed specialists. But we did need them to get to where we are. By that, I mean blacksmiths, farmers, merchants, sailors…
This freed people up so that they did not have to know how to do everything in order to survive. They just needed to contribute enough to support the mental and financial economy that started thousands of years ago. This has gotten out of our reach because we don’t even remember what our body’s do. They are designed to be a self contained organism. If not we would not have survived without the FDA to give us the RDA.

Simple example. The human tongue is sensitive to sweet salty bitter sour. Everybody knows that but we seem to have forgotten the purpose. Today the taste buds are abused in a manner far from their purpose. The bitter and sour are meant to warn us of poison. Long ago, we knew not to eat these things by the way they tasted. Today we appease and cater to them to make them pop and feel good.

We do the same thing with our thoughts. There is no need to stop thinking or see everything novel as bad. The mind and the thoughts it creates serve a purpose. That is a much longer explanation for another day.

We are stricken today with obesity in part due to an overweight mind. Problem is there is no RDA of the mind or any way to control it. But there is a way to control it. If you have the power to have “fattening” thoughts then you have the power not to have them. Don’t change everything at once. Just monitor these things for now. Periodically examine a thought and decide if it could be something that might be bad for you the way too much sodium might be. Sensory acuity of the mind is the first stage of stepping onto the path of the naturof3.

Friday, April 15, 2011


It’s not entirely their fault, but buck-toothed people make me anxious.

This has always been the case for me but was never able to categorize such feelings enough to give them a name. That the category is in itself a time dependent disorder is another matter all together but I’ll get to that in a moment. First, I will put in order the basis for the anxiety.

I am not designating it as good or bad but I think faster than I need to most of the time. Recently, while watching a buck-toothed person try to force English through what I could only describe a fence row of teeth bent so far out of skew that it made me think of a chain link fence torn from its moorings by floodwaters, it occurred to me that I was developing somewhat of a tick.

It’s like when you see a car driving down the highway with the hood popped but not completely open because it’s held by that little safety latch that’s never in the same place when you go to look for it. I couldn’t help thinking that an errant gust of wind might flap through here, catch what I could only refer to as an airfoil sticking out of his face and rip the top of his head off. Now I would not mind this but require a bit of preparation for such a thing.

Then it occurred to me that, as anxiety is a time dependant disorder meaning that your mind is there while you’re here and trying to deal with a situation that hasn’t happened yet. I got stuck on the word time for a bit too long and went straight to the Lorentz Transformation as an extreme example of why I can’t understand the words being pressed out of the mouths of buck-toothed people the world over.

The Lorentz transformation deals with the phenomenon of light exhibiting the same velocity for observers moving at different velocities in respect to one another. Like a car, traveling one-hundred miles per hour by someone on the side of the road is only going fifty miles an hour to someone going fifty miles per hour if both think they are at rest.

So I thought the words coming out of a buck-toothed orifice would seem to be leaving point A (the mouth) at time P (real time). However the words actually left at point A1( the tip of the teeth) at P2(P+the time sound takes to travel distance between A and A1). The brain responsible for manipulating these things is sending words out with respect to me C( location way out side of A or A1) by mistaking that I’m listening. Now the difference between AP and A1P1 is such that it creates a different location slightly closer or further away from the buck toothed person where the garbled English makes sense. Were the words traveling at the speed of light I could understand them. However, if I cared what the words were all I would have to do would be to lunge toward or away from the origin. But I didn’t care what they were saying and didn’t understand them anyway. Hope it wasn’t important.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hilter Youth Crunch

Not long ago, I noticed how the theme of breakfast cereal seemed to have reached a point of both banal consciousness and far too much sugar. There are tiger’s, bears, mildly homophobic elves, big beaked birds and even a stoned mountain lion from what I could tell; all trying to sell breakfast cereal to children. I merely wondered if enough time had passed as too allow a real person not related to sports to step in and sell a themed breakfast cereal.

After adequate thought, I settled on Adolf Hitler. If anybody could sell cereal, it would be him. How hip would it be to, while strolling the breakfast aisle, to have your eyes fall upon a box of Hitler Youth Crunch? But you would have to play to your audience. So I wondered as to how you bring out the fun loving side of Hitler while remaining true to form. So I thought about how a television commercial might go.

Picture this: A mildly overdrawn cartoon version of Hitler pounds the dais while screaming god knows what at a stadium full of children in those nineteen-thirties underwear/gym suit outfits they wore. The crowd of kids goes wild. They give the raised hand heil salute only they are all holding aloft a bowl of Hitler Youth Crunch. Hitler gestures to his left as the stage starts to tremble. From behind a humongous Nazi flag goosestep, a trio of heavily lactating cows. Each one, teat in hand, squirts a fountain of milk into the bowls of the children in the first few rows. The crowd goes wild. Camera zooms in for a close-up. A snaggle toothed future practitioner of mass genocide smiles into camera proudly displaying a spoonful of little sugar coated swastikas.

Allow me to digress away from the vision for a tick. I just realized how cool that feels as it leaves your mouth. Say aloud its nice…SUGAR COATED SWASTIKAS. That’s fun. See if you can work that into conversation at some point today. I did during a brief exchange with a pet supply store owner.

But back to the vision… Hitler does that crazy ass thing where he runs his finger into the air like he’s checking the prostate of someone standing above him. Then he reaches under the dais and grabs a box of cereal. He holds it aloft and the children chant, “Hitler Youth!” then bite down on a spoonful of cereal for the crunch. Hitler throws the box into the frenzied crowd and it explodes showering the stadium with sugar coated swastikas.

As the crowd goes mad, a voice-over comes in to explain the added features and special offers available. “Hitler Youth Crunch! Part of a balanced diet! Act now while supplies last get an authentic Railway to Auschwitz train set for twenty-nine ninety-five with three box tops! And the first one-thousand orders receive a free one-hundred percent pure jewhide wallet! So act now!”

And it should probably end there I imagine. You know now that I think of it, perhaps that is a bit too much but I would still like to see it aired just once.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cat Litter Epiphany

I came to an odd conclusion the other day and it all started with a piece of blue cat litter.

I recently started cleaning my house more. Not in the realm of As Good As It Gets type of stuff, just regular things most normal people do I suppose. Which brings me to squatting naked in the shower wiping down the walls. Now keep in mind I had finished cleaning pretty much and there really should be nothing left but there it was right in front of me. A piece of blue cat litter. Now I have a cat who does play, not pee I check, in the shower so such a thing is not beyond the scope of reason. What I did with this small bit of seeming nothingness disturbed me a bit after I realized I should have stopped myself at some point. But this is what happened.

I tend to skip the obvious and try to rationalize the fringes of rationale. Sure, the cat may have put it there by accident but that just flew by before I could eat it with my mind. I thought perhaps it could be more than a piece of cat litter. What if it were an errant piece of an accidental misinterpretation of a legal process that may or may not exist somewhere far far away that could affect me more than I could ever know.

Didn’t even slow down with it. It made sense that in heaven there is a lawyer, that got past the goalie to speak, and is earning his keep doing pro bono work for people that never knew they needed it in the first place.

This is just a for instance but I needed to validate the science of my own thoughts. Say a guy is trapped in a elevator and in his dismay formulates a plan that calls for him to appeal to the lord for specifically, a duck with a phillips head beak and a size 12 golf cleat.

Now it would be the attorney’s job to represent the idiot in the elevator not to get him out of the situation without abusing his limited direct intervention face time with the lord.

The attorney might say something like this: “Yes lord, my client is not in his right mind as you can see. He panicked. Please don’t hold this against him or grant these prayers.”

The lord may answer thusly: “Hmmm. You may have a point. There are far too many of these beings walking around. This is a waste of both our respective time. Perhaps I should cut the cable and see who sticks there head in there to see what the noise is. That would kill to or maybe more birds with one stone.”

“No lord. We’re not on the same wavelength here. I don’t think you need to kill anyone. I just think my client may need real help in the future or, now I’m just free associating here, he may have a deeply benevolent thought.”

“Are you sure? Because your last client wished for a piece of blue cat litter and you had no such thoughts.”

Attorney winces a bit, “Well that’s not entirely true. I just didn’t speak fast enough and did manage to grab your hand as you tossed down there. The blue cat litter didn’t even get to the right place so it didn’t count. I don’t know where it went but some poor bastard is dealing with both our misjudgments.”

Now that may not be where the cat litter came from but it occurred to me that it was more than likely not where it came from. I decided at that moment I should probably go with my first instinct more often than not no matter what the consequences.