Tuesday, September 1, 2009

If asked, I would fuck an alien

Star Trek dared to boldly go where no man has gone before. I hope to one day come where no man has come before. Sounds crude but I have my reasons as well as a few standards.
I am not a pervert. Well I don't consider myself a pervert but alas an insane man feels normal. Never put my unit anywhere it wasn't designed to go. The idea of sex with a being from another world just sparks my curiosity more than anything.
This notion is not without standards. If prompted, I refuse to fuck a Chewbaca looking bitch no matter how good she smells. No what I'm looking for is a relatively smooth skinned, amphibian type with receptive parts.
It's disingenuous to think that these creatures might trek all that way just to say hi or start a war. They have needs and curiosities as well or would hope as much. Without curiosity they wouldn't be here in the first place.
The whole exercise would just be an experiment anyway. Not looking for anything long term. I'm quite happy with the wonderful woman I have now and have discussed this matter with her. She proposed that if the opportunity arose she would not stand in the way.
This might even serve as an act of galactic good will on the part of all of earth. I have no high hopes for such a thing but if it turns out that way I think it might be cool to have my penis on a stamp or a flag.
Finally let us consider the extra-terrestrial vagina. More directly as to if it even exists. Numerous accounts have been posted dealing with alien abduction and probing. I take this as a step in the right direction owing to the account that these beings have awareness of the concept of putting something in another body and expecting to get it back. This puts the idea of alien vagina on the table as an institution. As to what that institution may look like is another story. It could be directly affected by the birthing process or the design of the alien penis. In the back of my mind I hold fast that an blueish amphibian looking hottie from the far side of the galaxy might find the idea of a relatively straight penis enthralling. Personally I'm a fan of unique domestic vaginas so I don't see getting worked up if the thing turns out to look like an exotic sea creature.
In closing I just want to say that this is not just for me this is for everyone. If the situation presents itself I will represent my world in this arena.

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